Financial Advice for Barristers

We are a trusted provider of financial advice for barristers. As a self-employed professional working long and unsociable hours, it can prove very difficult to allocate enough time to efficiently plan for your financial future.

Knowing many of our clients who are Barristers both personally and professionally, we really get to understand your world and what’s important to you, so you will find that we can offer you the solutions to help bring you peace of mind and financial security.

Solutions created for our Barristers clients’ needs include:

Pension’s – Planning for your retirement

We find many Barristers have little to none of a Pension provision especially those that graduate from Law school and are appointed to the bar. Being self employed, setting up your first pension could be seen as a somewhat of a chore, however we like to make this a simple process that really provides a tax efficient way to invest for your retirement.

We ensure we work closely with you to identify those things that are important to you and help you make the right decision when the time comes to retire.

Protecting your Income

“It won’t happen to me”…… We put in place measures to protect you and your family should you fall ill and be unable to return to work. David Roberts & Partners can recommend a range of options to protect you and your family financially until you are back on your feet.

Investment Planning

We can help identify the appropriate tax-efficient investment opportunities that exist allowing you to save for the future in as tax beneficial way as possible.

Life Cover

We can help minimise the financial impact that your death could have on your loved ones. Life cover can help give you peace of mind that your family's way of life is protected should the worst happen.


Finding the mortgage that is right for you and your circumstances forms the bedrock of your financial security. Whether you are a first-time buyer, moving home or wish to take advantage of a more competitive rate, it is vital that you have the right mortgage in place.

Being a self-employed barrister on a variable income can bring its own challenges. We have an in house specialist to source a comprehensive range of first charge mortgages from across the marketplace, which lenders make available to mortgage intermediaries, helping you secure your first home or simply to find the best mortgage for your existing or new property.

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

The value of an investment with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.